Friday, July 30, 2010

litte red bag.

You know how your grandma passes something down to you that you think is ugly, and you store it away? But then a couple years go by and as youre rummaging through some old stuff you see that thing and youre like "Hey, I wonder why I ever threw this away, it looks pretty cool?!"
Well thats how I feel about this teeny tiny bag I found in my BASEMENT today. In a BOX! ugh poor thing needed to be dusted off and needed some love =]

Saturday, July 24, 2010

It will all be worth it in the end.

Ahh I sure hope so...


Well even between the studying, I did NOT forget that it was summer. And more summertime = D.I.Ys! This is the time when you and your best friend go sit in the grass and spray some paint all over an old v neck tee, just because. Just because its summer and nothing makes sense =]

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My bag can be tamed.

I haven't done a DIY project in awhile, but I found this lonely tote bag in the back of my closet, and I just HAD to give it some <3. Sorry I forgot to take the 'before' pics, but basically it was a picture of a cows head =P.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

"If Friday night is a bust, Saturday is a riot"

With summer here and the hot weather going from hot to...well not so hot, my mood as well is wishy washy.
But I've decided, and I'm DETERMINED to not spend ONE full day in the house...or alone for that matter. Yes, it will be a challenge, but I'm up for it, I mean how hard can it be?
What IS hard is realizing that I am indeed a senior now, and by this time next year I will be packing my stuff and heading to _______ University. Or University of _______ to study_____...Journalism? Yea, that thing that magazine editors do. Hah, thats not a very straight course of study is it? I'll probably just end up interning for 5 years, to the shame of my family. But as long as I'm happy doing what I do...WAIT, tmi. Lets get through the summer first!