Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rock the Blue+Gold!

Friday we picked up our 2nd pep rally of the year, and I had the honor of taking pictures of the event for Journalism class. Walking around, sitting down, getting different angles. Way more fun that just sitting in the stands. Lots of people were dancing, having dance offs, haha, there was a mini fashion show, and basketball game that went on during the pep rally. Some teachers actually played ball too, it was hilarious seeing your old science teacher score a basket! All while the cheerleaders cheered, and I even learned some myself! "Dribble it, pass it, take that ball to the basket!"

Its been exam week, and I was exempt from my exams ( for the 3rd year in a row!) yay me! I was stoked to leave school and just hang out with friends. But when brother called, and I told him the good news, he recommended I take my exams. I mean, they can't hurt me, and getting into schools ARE very competitive these days. At first I was kind of upset, but I took them, and I'm actually glad I took some because I'm about ready to see my grade shoot up. =]
Another great thing about exam week is YOU CAN LEAVE SCHOOOL. Did I mention that already? Haha Friday it rained to my cousin, and my asian friend, Kyu Dae just snuck behind the band room and chatted about LOADS of things. We had fun sliding down the stair case and I painted our faces for the pep rally.

Uhh lots of "reading" and "work" gets done in the journalism room =P.


  1. your school seems way more fun then mine :)

  2. Wow you are really cool. I gather this esp from the previous post. You grabbed the mike? That's awesome. Looking at you and your friend in the pic sliding down the railing made me smile. You guys look like good friends! Thank you so much for coming to my blog ;)

  3. Thank you for the nice comment on your blog :) Reading your post brought me back to my own high school days.
